(update: 2017/12/01) |
Paper Title |
1 |
Sex Ratio and Mating Behavior in
the Calanoid Copepod Pseudodiaptomus
annandalei G. Dur, S. Souissi, F.G. Schmitt, S.H. Cheng, and J.S. Hwang Abstract丨PDF (410KB) |
2 |
Burrows with
Chimneys of the Fiddler Crab Uca
thayeri : Construction,
Occurrence, and Function J.B.L. Gusmão-Junior, G.B.O. Machado, and T.M. Costa Abstract丨PDF (486KB) |
3 |
A Shift to an
Ion Regulatory Role by Gills of a Semi-Terrestrial Crab, Ocypode
stimpsoni J.R. Tsai and H.C. Lin Abstract丨PDF (1.29MB) |
4 |
Soil Nematode Abundance and
Diversity in Different Forest Types at Changbai Mountain, China M. Zhang, W.J. Liang, and X.K. Zhang Abstract丨PDF (383KB) |
5 |
Spatiotemporal Variations in the
Abundance, Biomass, Fecundity, and Production of Oithona brevicornis (Copepoda: Cyclopoida)
in a West African Tropical Coastal Lagoon (Grand-Lahou, Côte d’Ivoire) R.N. Etilé, M.N. Aka, A.M. Kouassi, M. Pagano, and V. N’douba Abstract丨PDF (855KB) |
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Temperature Effects on the Egg
Development Time and Hatching Success of Three Acartia Species (Copepoda:
Calanoida) from the Strait of Malacca T. Yoshida, C.F. Liong, A.M. Majid, T. Toda, and B.H.R. Othman Abstract丨PDF (450KB) |
7 |
Individual Specialization in the
Hunting-wasp Trypoxylon (Trypargilum) agamemnon Richards (Hymenoptera:
Crabronidae) R.B. Pitilin, M.S. Araújo, and M.L.T. Buschini Abstract丨PDF (434KB) |
8 |
An Unusually
High Abundance and Diversity of the Terebridae (Gastropoda: Conoidea)
in Nha Trang Bay, Vietnam Y.I. Kantor, A.E. Fedosov, and I.N. Marin Abstract丨PDF (693KB) |
9 |
Size-dependent Foraging on Aquatic
and Terrestrial Prey by the Endangered Taiwan Salmon Oncorhynchus masou
formosanus L.Y. Liao, M.C. Chiu, Y.S. Huang, and M.H. Kuo Abstract丨PDF (455KB) |
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Community Structure of Larval
Fishes from the Southeastern Taiwan Strait: Linked to Seasonal
Monsoon-driven Currents H.Y. Hsieh, W.T. Lo, and L.J. Wu Abstract丨PDF (957KB) |
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Patterns of Captive Male and Female Monocled Cobra, Naja kaouthia (Lesson, 1831) P. Tumkiratiwong, W. Meesuk, L. Chanhome, and A. Aowphol Abstract丨PDF (825KB) |
12 |
Summer Diet and
Distribution of the Red Panda (Ailurus
fulgens fulgens) in Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve, Nepal S. Panthi, A. Aryal, D. Raubenheimer, J. Lord, and B. Adhikari Abstract丨PDF (1.09MB) |
13 |
Biodiversity of
Marine Invertebrates on Rocky Shores of Dokdo, Korea S.H. Ryu, K.H. Jang, E.H. Choi, S.K. Kim, S.J. Song, H.J. Cho, J.S. Ryu, Y.M. Kim, J. Sagong, J.H. Lee, M.Y. Yeo, S.Y. Bahn, H.M. Kim, G.S. Lee, D.H. Lee, Y.S. Choo, J.H. Pak, J.S. Park, J.S. Ryu, J.S. Khim, and U.W. Hwang Abstract丨PDF (1.41MB) |