Vol. 36 No. 3, 1997
Genetic Evidence to Clarify the Systematic Status of the Genera Zacco and Candidia (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae)
Hurng-Yi Wang1,2, Sin-Che Lee1,* and Ming-Jenn Yu2
1Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan 115, R.O.C. E-mail: eleotris@sinica.edu.tw
2Department of Biology, Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan 400, R.O.C.
Hurng-Yi Wang, Sin-Che Lee and Ming-Jenn Yu (1997) Genetic evidence to clarify the systematic status of the genera Zacco and Candidia (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae). Zoological Studies 36(3): 170-177. Genetic relationships among species of the genera Zacco and Candidia
were analyzed using allozyme data from sampled specimens collected from
6 rivers in Taiwan. A total of 78 alleles were resolved for 26 loci
from 13 enzyme systems. Nei's genetic distance between 2 congeneric
species (Zacco pachycephalus and Z. platypus)
was 0.285, which is within the range for the same genus. A slightly
larger mouth cleft, smaller lateral line scales, and fixed alleles at mMDH*100, ME-1*100, PGl-8*100, PGM-1*100, and PGM-2*100 in Zacco pachycephalus can be used to distinguish it from Z. platypus. Comparison with Aphyocypris kikuchii, Candidia barbatus showed more distant relationships with these 2 Zacco species, suggesting that Zacco and Candidia are 2 distinct genera. In addition, a barbel at mouth corner, and fixed alleles at sAAT-1*120, CK-A*93, FH-1*80, FH-2*82, G6PDH-1*80, IDHP-1*113, IDHP-3*120, ME-1*103, ME-2*50, PGM-1*120, and PGM-2*120 in Candidia can also be used to distinguish it from the genus Zacco. The colonization and speciation event of the genus Zacco in Taiwan was discussed in detail.
Key words: Allozyme comparisons, Zacco and Candidia, River habitats, Taiwan.
*Correspondence: Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan 115, R.O.C. E-mail: eleotris@sinica.edu.tw
