Vol. 37 No. 2, 1998
Review of the Marine Gobiid Genus, Amblyeleotris (Pisces: Gobiidae) with Seven New Records from Taiwan
Jeng-Ping Chen, I-Shiung Chen and Kwang-Tsao Shao*
Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan 115
Jeng-Ping Chen, I-Shiung Chen and Kwang-Tsao Shao (1998) The
present paper is a taxonomic review of the marine gobiid genus,
Amblyeleotris, from Taiwan. This genus includes A. fontanesii (Bleeker,
1852), A. guttata (Fowler, 1938), A. japonica Takagi, 1957, A.
ogasawarensis Yanagisawa, 1978, A. periophthalma (Bleeker, 1853), A.
steinitzi (Klausewitz, 1974), A. wheeleri (Polunin and Lubbock, 1977),
and A. yanoi Aonuma and Yoshino, 1996. Except for A. guttata, the rest
are all new additions to the fish fauna of Taiwan. Diagnostic
characters, distribution, remarks, and color photos of each species are
Key words: Fish taxonomy, Gobies, Amblyeleotris, New records, Taiwan.
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