Vol. 38 No. 3, 1999
Expression of LDH-C Isozyme among Lizard Taxa: Evolutionary
Implications for the Vertebrate Lactate Dehydrogenase Gene Family
Kuo1,2, San Kao2, Ching-Feng Weng1 and
Sin-Che Lee1,*
of Zoology, Academic Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan 115
2Department of Biology, National Taiwan Normal
University, Taipei, Taiwan 116
Kuo, San Kao, Ching-Feng Weng and Sin-Che Lee (1999) In order
to more completely understand the complete basis for the multiple LDH
isozymes in lizards, seven species of Taiwanese lizards belonging to 4
families and 7 genera were sampled. Starch gel electrophoretic patterns
of lizard LDH isozymes from brain, eye, heart, liver, muscle, and
testis were analyzed. Like all other vertebrates, lizards possess the 2
fundamental LDH loci—A and B. A 3rd locus, LDH-C, was detected only in
testes of Hemidactylus frenatus,
Eumeces elegans, and Mabuya longicaudata. This
testisspecific product, designated according to tissue-specific
expression exhibited, a faster anodal migration than did the other LDH
isozymes. These findings suggest that the testis-specific LDH isozyme
was derived from ancestor amniote LDH-A.
Key words: Lizard,
Lactate dehydrogenase, Evolution, Amniote.
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