Vol. 38 No. 4, 1999
Life History Studies of the Flightless Marine Midges Pontomyia spp.(Diptera: Chironomidae)
Keryea Soong*, Guo-Fang Chen and Jun-Ren Cao
Institute of Marine Biology, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 804
Keryea Soong, Guo-Fang Chen and Jun-Ren Cao (1999) The emergence of the marine midges, Pontomyia natans and P. oceana, was investigated in southern Taiwan in 1992 and 1996. P. oceana emerged after sunset and only on evenings near the new moon or the full moon, whereas P. natans emerged near dusk on every collection day. The mean emergence time of P. oceana
varied by more than 3 h, being earlier in summer than in winter. The
overlap in emergence times of the 2 species thus depended upon the
season. Light conditions, i.e., the time of sunrise and sunset may be
the proximate factors controlling emergence in P. oceana. Limiting emerging dates and times of P. oceana
may be an adaptation for controlling the adults to lay eggs only during
low tides at night. The tide, however, does not cue the diurnal
emergence of the midges. Fertilized eggs of P. oceana
were collected in the field for study in the laboratory. Larvae hatched
in about 4 d at 25 °C, and 4 instars were necessary before the final
emergence. The generation time was around 30 d. Males emerged about 1 h
earlier than females. Since an adult remained active for only about 2
h, peak occurrence of males was found to coincide with peak eclosion of
females. Moreover, the presence of males was important for the
successful eclosion of females from their pupae, as demonstrated in the
Key words: I.