Vol. 39 No. 1, 2000
Redescription of the Types of Ischikauia macrolepis Regan, 1908,
an Extinct Cyprinid (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) from Taiwan and the
Replacement in the Genus, Rasborinus
Oshima, 1920
Chen1,2,* and Lee-Shing Fang2
of Biological Sciences, University of Bristol, Bristol, BS8 1UG, UK
2National Museum of Marine Biology/Aquarium, 2 Houwan,
Checheng, Pingtung, Taiwan 944
Chen and Lee-Shing Fang (2000) Three syntypes of Ischikauia macrolepis Regan, 1908
in the British Museum (Natural History) have been examined, and they
should belong to the genus Rasborinus
Oshima, 1920. The type species of Rasborinus,
R. takakii Oshima,
1920, should be a junior synonym of I.
Regan, 1908. The species was endemic to Taiwan but is now apparently
extinct in Taiwanese fresh waters. This species can be distinguished
from the related species, R. lineatus
(Pellegrin), by differentiation of predorsal scales and fin ray counts,
and pectoral fin length.
Key words: Rasborinus,
Ischikauria macrolepis,
Endemic species, Fish taxonomy, Taiwan.
*Correspondence: Tel: 886-8-8825083. Fax: 886-8-8824504.
E-mail: ischen@mail.nmmba.gov.tw
