Vol. 39 No. 1, 2000
Cytochemical Profiles and Quantitative Analysis of Fiber Types in Trunk Muscle of Tigerperch, Terapon jarbua
Shueh-Fen Chen1 and Bao-Quey Huang2,*
1Deh Yu College of Nursing and Management, Keelung, Taiwan 203
2Department of Fisheries Science, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, Taiwan 202
Shueh-Fen Chen and Bao-Quey Huang (2000) Fiber types in trunk muscle of the tigerperch, Terapon jarbua,
were classified by cytochemical profiles and image analysis techniques.
Serial cross-sections of trunk muscle were examined by evaluating
myosin ATPase (mATPase) to categorize the muscle fiber types, by
measuring the oxidative enzyme activities of SDH, NADH-TR, and LDH to
identify the metabolic patterns, and by determining the glycogen and
lipid contents to specify the energy sources. The study revealed 3
muscle patterns (white, red, and pink muscles) distinguished by their
enzyme activities. The different fiber types differed in their mATPase
activities after preincubation in different pH solutions. Oxidative
enzyme activities were quantitatively analyzed and correlated to their
gray-level and fiber size. In white muscle only 1 histochemical fiber
type (resembling type IIb fiber in mammals, with a large
cross-sectional area, CSA) could be identified. Red muscle consisted of
abundant type IIc fibers (with a smaller CSA) and a few type I fibers
(with a medium CSA) sparsely interposed among IIc fibers. Fibers in a
mosaic arrangement of pink muscle, with different histochemical
reactions and of various sizes, were classified as type I, IIb, and IIc
fibers. Type IIb fiber had larger cross-sectional areas (2969.30 ±
1237.27 ~ 3045.66 ± 1088.87 µm2), type IIc had smaller (318.77 ± 105.02 ~ 353.20 ± 122.18 µm2), and type I had medium areas (708.65 ± 142.62 ~ 1192.09 ± 308.28 µm2).
Key words: Morphometry, mATPase, Oxidative enzyme, Gray-level, Typing fiber.
*Correspondence: Tel: 886-2-24622192, ext. 5028. Fax: 886-2-24624790. E-mail: bqhuang@ind.ntou.edu.tw
