Vol. 39 No. 3, 2000
New Records of Sea Stars (Asteroidea: Echinodermata) from the
Continental Shelf of Taiwan
of Zoology, National Museum of Natural Science, Taichung, Taiwan 404
Chao (2000) From July 1995 to August 1998, starfish were
collected by trawling sandy substrates at 30-250 m depth along the
coast of Taiwan. Nineteen species in 7 families were collected at 6
stations. Six species (Luidia maculata,
L. avicularia, L. quinaria, Distolasterias nipon, Coronaster volsellatus, and C. sakuranus) had not previously
been reported from Taiwan, and are described and illustrated in the
present study. In addition, the abundances of the 19 collected species
are tabulated, and information on the recorded 44 species in 13
families of starfish from Taiwan is tabulated.
Key words: Starfish,
Echinoderms, Taiwan, Taxonomy.
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