Vol. 40 No. 2, 2001
Seasonal Activity and Reproduction of Two Syntopic White-Toothed Shrews (Crocidura attenuata and C. kurodai) from a Subtropical Montane Forest in Central Taiwan
Hon-Tsen Yu1,*, Ting-Wen Cheng1 and Wen-Hao Chou2
1Department of Zoology, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan 106
2Zoology Department, National Museum of Natural Science, Taichung, Taiwan 404
Hon-Tsen Yu, Ting-Wen Cheng and Wen-Hao Chou (2001) We studied seasonal changes in age structure and reproduction for 2 spe- cies of white-toothed shrews, Crocidura attenuata and C. kurodai,
on a mid-elevation forested slope in subtropi- cal Taiwan. In total,
564 shrews were collected by pitfall traps from Aug. 1995 through May
1997. Neither species had a conspicuous annual breeding season. The 2
species may have different social organizations and mating systems,
judging from their sex ratios and proportions of breeding adults in the
populations. A 3rd species of shrew, Chodsigoa sodalis, and a murid rodent, Niviventer coxingi, were syntopic with the 2 Crocidura species. Our study reveals that insectivores have been neglected in previous surveys of small mammals in Southeast Asia.
Key words: Crocidura, White-toothed shrew, Breeding season, Pitfall trap, Soricidae.
*Correspondence: E-mail: ayu@ccms.ntu.edu.tw