Vol. 40 No. 3, 2001
Five New Indo-Pacific Gobiid Fishes of the Genus Coryphopterus
John E. Randall
Bishop Museum, 1525 Bernice St., Honolulu, HI 96817-2704, USA
John E. Randall (2001) The Indo-Pacific species of the gobiid genus Coryphopterus consist of C. aureus, C. duospilus, C. inframaculatus, C. longispinus, C. neophytus, C. signipinnis, and the following new species: C. gracilis
from the western Pacific, east to Fiji, has the pelvic fins separated,
lacks a pelvic frenum, and has a slender body (depth 5.45-5.75 in SL); C. humeralis from
the Red Sea to the Society Islands, the smallest species (to 33.7 mm
SL), has the posterior nostril next to the orbit, usually 18 pectoral
rays, a short snout (3.4-3.7 in SL), and 2 prominent black spots (above
pectoral-fin base and at midbase of caudal fin); C. maximus,
from the Red Sea to the western Pacific, the largest species (to 75 mm
SL), has prominent dusky orange-yellow spots on head, body, dorsal, and
caudal fins, some on head nearly as large as pupil, a black spot at
front of 1st dorsal fin, 1 at midbase of caudal fin, and usually 18
pectoral rays; C. melacron
from the Andaman Sea and western Pacific east to Fiji has the pelvics
separated and without a frenum, 10 dorsal and 9 anal soft rays, the 1st
dorsal fin elevated and black-tipped, and usually 20 pectoral rays; and
C. pallidus, similar to C. maximus but has 19 or 20 pectoral rays and its orange-yellow spots show little dark pigment (hence largely lost on preserved specimens).
Key words: Gobiidae, Coryphopterus, Indo-Pacific, New species.
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