Vol. 41 No. 2, 2002
Distribution of Precerebellar Cholecystokininergic Neurons in the Perihypoglossal Nuclei of the Gerbil
Shih-Hsiung Lee, Chi-Yu Tseng, Chen-Yuan Wen and Jeng-Yung Shieh*
Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan 100
Shih-Hsiung Lee, Chi-Yu Tseng, Chen-Yuan Wen and Jeng-Yung Shieh (2002) This
study aimed to examine the distribution of vermis-projecting
cholecystokinin-immunoreactive (CCK-ir) neurons in perihypoglossal (PH)
nuclei of the gerbil. Revealed by immunohistochemistry, CCK-ir neurons
were mainly distributed in the nucleus of Roller (Ro) and prepositus
hypoglossal nucleus (Pr), with fewer cells being located in the nucleus
intercalatus (Ic). Small CCK-ir cells made up the majority of cells in
the Ro, Ic, and Pr, the remainder being medium-sized. Following
multiple injections of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) into the vermal
cortex, the majority of CCK-positive neurons in the Ro, Ic, and Pr were
labelled. On closer analysis, about 90% of CCK-ir cells in PH nuclei
were double labelled. Since the predominant cells in the subnuclei of
the PH are CCK-ir, and the subnuclei Ro and Pr are known to give rise
to CCK-ir mossy fibers in the vermis of the cerebellum, we conclude
that CCK may serve as a putative neurotransmitter or neuromodulator in
this projection.
Key words: Cholecystokinin, Double-labelling, Perihypoglossal-projecting neuron, Tracer, Rodent.
*Correspondence: Tel: 886-2-23123456 ext. 8176. Fax: 886-2-23578686. E-mail: nadphd@ha.mc.ntu.edu.tw
