Vol. 41 No. 2, 2002
Postembryonic Development of Neutrodiaptomus tumidus Kiefer, 1937 (Crustacea: Copepoda) from Taiwan
Shuh-Sen Young
Department of Science Education, National Hsinchu Teachers College, Hsinchu, Taiwan 300
Shuh-Sen Young (2002) Neutrodiaptomus tumidus
Kiefer 1937 lives in highland pools and lakes of the central mountain
area of Taiwan. In these waters, no other species of calanoid is
present. The postembryonic development instars, collected from the
field, are described and illustrated in this study. This is the 1st
description of the developmental stages of Neutrodiaptomus tumidus.
Key words: Neutrodiaptomus tumidus, Nauplius, Copepodid, Calanoida, Postembryonic development.
*Correspondence: Department of Science Education, National Hsinchu Teachers College, Hsinchu, Taiwan 300