Vol. 41 No. 3, 2002
Growth Promotion in Ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis) by Gene Transfer of the Rainbow Trout Growth Hormone Gene
Chao-An Cheng1,2, Kuen-Lin Lu1, En-Lieng Lau1, Tse-Yeng Yang1, Chiou-Yueh Lee1,3, Jen-Leih Wu1 and Chi-Yao Chang1,*
1Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, Nankang, Taipei, Taiwan 115
2Department of Food Engineering, National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences at Kinmen, Jinhoo, Kinmen, Taiwan 891
3Department of Food Science, China College of Marine Technology and Commerce, Taipei, Taiwan 111
Chao-An Cheng, Kuen-Lin Lu, En-Lieng Lau, Tse-Yeng Yang, Chiou-Yueh Lee, Jen-Leih Wu and Chi-Yao Chang (2002) A plasmid containing rainbow trout growth hormone cDNA under a carp β-actin promoter was transferred into ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis)
using a sperm-electroporation method. Hatching and survival rates of
ayu into which the gene was transferred were lower than those of the
control, and about 10% of ayu were raised from 105 treated
fertilized eggs. The persistence of transferred DNA was detected using
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with specific primers in genomic DNA
from caudal fin tissue after 5 mo. PCR and restriction enzyme digestion
analyses showed that the success of gene transfer was as high as 55%.
Mosaic expressions of the transgene could be detected in gill, caudal
fin, liver, brain, and muscle, but not in the heart. Two-fold growth
enhancement in body weight and 1.3-fold in body length were measured.
Key words: Gene transfer, Ayu, Sperm-electroporation, Growth hormone.
*Correspondence: Tel: 886-2-27899570. Fax: 886-2-26538842. E-mail: cychang@gate.sinica.edu.tw
