Vol. 42 No. 2, 2003
Early Life History Traits of Japanese Anchovy in the Northeastern Waters of Taiwan, with Reference to Larval Transport
Chih-Shin Chen and Tai-Sheng Chiu*
Department of Zoology, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan 10764
Chih-Shin Chen and Tai-Sheng Chiu (2003) There
is controversy concerning the location of spawning sites and recruiting
routes of Japanese anchovy in the northeastern Taiwan. Early in the
larval fish fishery season, we conducted a survey along a presumptive
coastal current to Ilan Bay with the aim of obtaining anchovy larvae
for demographic analysis. The obtained samples of the Japanese anchovy,
Engraulis japonicus,
were analyzed to elucidate the species' directional tendency, which was
from offshore to inshore, and which reached coastal Ilan Bay along the
western boundary of the Kuroshio Current during late April. Demographic
analysis indicated that offshore anchovy larvae had the smallest body
size, and that the size increased from offshore toward the coastal.
Based on the sagittal microstructural analysis, detailed early life
history traits, such as increment size, standard length and body weight
at daily ages were back-calculated, then various relationships were
estimated, and significant differences were shown to have an
offshore-coastal tendency. Estimated developmental stability exhibited
highest variation in transitional inshore area and lowest variation in
coastal area. The mean daily growth rate in standard length was 0.28 mm
d-1 for larvae in the offshore area and 0.54 mm d-1
for those in the coastal area. However, the inshore larval population
exhibited a non-steady growth pattern, which was 0.27 mm d-1 corresponding to an offshore environment during a period of 7-24 April, but had a subsequent higher growth rate of 0.59 mm d-1,
whose value was similar to that of the coastal population. These
findings combined with local flow pattern and sea surface temperature
images support the hypothesis that anchovy larvae are transported from
offshore at Pangaiyu to the coastal area of the Ilan Bay, along with a
previously identified coastal current in northeastern Taiwan waters.
Coastal area of Ilan Bay serves as an important nursery ground for late
anchovy larvae.
Key words: Otolith microstructure, Daily growth, Development instability.
*Correspondence: Tel: 886-2-23630231 ext. 2128. Fax: 886-2-23634014. E-mail: tschiu@ccms.ntu.edu.tw