Vol. 43 No. 2, 2004
Spring Distribution of Copepods in Relation to Water Masses in the Northern Taiwan Strait
Yang-Chi Lan1, Chang-tai Shih2,3, Ming-An Lee1,* and Hung-Zen Shieh1
1Department of Environmental Biology and Fisheries Science, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, Taiwan 202
2Fisheries Research Institute, Keelung, Taiwan 202
3Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa 809, Canada
Yang-Chi Lan, Chang-Tai Shih, Ming-An Lee and Hung-Zen Shieh (2004) In
this study, we investigated the spatial distribution of copepods and
its relationship with water masses in the northern Taiwan Strait in May
2001. Based on the results of cluster analysis of species compositions
of copepods collected, we could distinguish 3 copepod species
composition groups, each associated with one of the 3 different water
masses. The 1st group was associated with the Kuroshio Branch Current.
It had high values for Shannon's species diversity and Simpson's
species evenness indices. The dominant species in this group were Temora turbinata, Paracalanus parvus and Canthocalanus pauper.
The 2nd group was associated with the China Coastal Current. It had low
values for Shannon's diversity and Simpson's evenness indices, and its
dominant species were P. parvus, Euchaeta sp., and Calanus sinicus.
The 3rd group was found in the area receiving freshwater intrusion from
the Tanshui River of Taiwan. It had the lowest values for Shannon's
diversity and Simpson's evenness indices among the 3 groups. Its
dominant species were T. turbinata, C. pauper, and Acrocalanus gibber.
Key words: Diversity, Evenness, Calanus sinicus, Kuroshio, China coastal current.
*Correspondence: Fax : 886-2-24634419. E-mail: malee@mail.ntou.edu.tw