Vol. 43 No. 2, 2004
The Natural Diet of Apocyclops panamensis at a Shrimp Farm on the Pacific Coast of Nicaragua
Roberto Cano*, Scarleth Ráudez and Evelyn Hooker
de Hidrobiología, Centro para la Investigación en Recursos Acuáticos de
Nicaragua, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, PO Box 4598,
Managua, Nicaragua
Roberto Cano, Scarleth Ráudez and Evelyn Hooker (2004) Gut contents of 1150 adults of Apocyclops panamensis
were examined to obtain information on its feeding habits in extensive
shrimp ponds during a 16-week period (10 June ~ 5 Sept. 1999). Temporal
changes in the relative abundance of ingested algae were studied and
compared with the natural phytoplankton assemblage in the pond. The
phytoplankton community was comprised of diatoms and blue-green and
green algae; total abundance varied between 1.11 x 104 and 10.2 x 104
cells/ml, of which blue-green algae, such as Lyngbya limnetica, Spirulina nodosa, and Anabaenopsis sp., were the most abundant. During the study period, diatoms made up 89% of the algal cells consumed by A. panamensis. Among the diatoms, Nitzschia sp. was most important, while Navicula sp. and Amphora ovalis were also substantial. The green alga, Chlorella sp., accounted for 10.6%; blue-green algae were rarely consumed.
Key words: Apocyclops, Copepoda, Nicaragua, Diet.
*Correspondence:Fax: 505-267-8169. E-mail:cirahb@cablenet.com.ni or cirabio@cablenet.com.ni
