Vol. 43 No. 4, 2004
The Bopyridae (Crustacea: Isopoda) of Taiwan
B. Boyko
of Invertebrate Zoology, American Museum of Natural History, Central
Park West at 79th St., New York, NY 10024, USA
B. Boyko (2004) This study adds 8 bopyrids to the 5 species
previously known from Taiwan. None of the species are new to science,
but all are new to the Taiwanese fauna. All of the hosts for the 8
species are new. Four species redescribed herein, Pseudione retrorsa Richardson, Parioninella obovata Shiino, Parapenaeon tertium Nierstrasz and
Brender à Brandis, and Bopyrus stebbingi Nierstrasz and Brender à
Brandis, are reported for the 1st time since their original
descriptions, with each representing a substantial range extension. The
geographic and depth distributions of 2 additional species, Bopyroides hippolytes (Kröyer) and Athelges takanoshimensis Ishii, are
greatly extended. Two new genera are erected for P. obovata and B. stebbingi. Pseudione lenticeps
Shiino is synonymized with P. retrorsa,
which is transferred to the genus Aporobopyrus
Nobili. Parapenaeon coarctatum
tuberculata is raised to the level of full species.
Identifications of hosts as cited in older literature are updated to
current nomenclature.
Key words: Peracarida, Parasitic isopods, Taxonomy, New genera, Marine.
*Correspondence: E-mail: cboyko@amnh.org
