Vol. 43 No. 4, 2004
The World's Largest Lucinid is an Undescribed Species from Taiwan (Mollusca: Bivalvia)
Philippe Bouchet* and Rudo von Cose
Department of Systematics and Evolution, National Museum of Natural History, 55, rue Buffon, F-75005 Paris, France
Philippe Bouchet and Rudo von Cose (2004)
Meganodontia acetabulum is described as a new genus and species of the
Lucinidae, based on valves trawled at 256~472 m depths on the Tashi
fishing ground off the northeastern coast of Taiwan. The new genus is
close to Anodontia but differs mainly in the small umbones, the
perfectly circular outline, the hinge and ligament, and the large
muscle impressions. It is the largest known Recent species of
Lucinidae. Other species of bivalves, belonging to families
symbiotically associated with chemautotrophic bacteria, have been taken
at the same or nearby stations, suggesting that the Tashi fishing
ground is a site where chemosymbiosis plays an important role in
biomass production and ecosystem function.
Key words: Chemosymbiosis, Giant Lucinidae, Taiwan, Taxonomy
*Correspondence: E-mail: pbouchet@mnhn.fr; cosel@mnhn.fr
