Vol. 45 No. 1, 2006
Parapercis phenax
from Japan and P. banoni from
the Southeast Atlantic, New Species of Pinguipedid Fishes Previously
Identified as P. roseoviridis
E. Randall1 and Takeshi Yamakawa2
Museum, 1525 Bernice St., Honolulu, HI 96817-2704, USA
2Faculty of Science, Kochi University, 2-5-1
Akebono-cho, Kochi, 780-8520, Japan
John E.
Randall and Takeshi Yamakawa (2006) The pinguipedid fish Parapercis phenax, formerly
identified as P. roseoviridis
(Gilbert), is described as a new species from 42 specimens, 87.2-179.7
mm SL, taken by trawl in 322-600 m on the Kyushu-Palau Ridge. It
differs from the endemic Hawaiian P.
roseoviridis in having 60-64 lateral-line scales (vs. 54-57),
10-13 lower-limb gill rakers (vs. 8-10), and in larger size (largest
roseoviridis, 159 mm SL). Parapercis
banoni, trawled in 220-235 m on the Valdivia Bank in the
southeastern Atlantic and first identified as P. roseoviridis by Bañón et al.
(2000), is described from 4 specimens, 148-191.5 mm SL. It is closest
to P. phenax, but differs in
having a broader interorbital width (5.5-5.7% SL vs. 3.2-5.1% SL for
phenax), shorter pelvic fins (17.0-17.6% SL vs. 18.3-23.1% SL for
phenax), and no black pigment on the spinous portion of the dorsal fin.
Parapercis maritzi
Anderson (1992), described from 12 specimens, 131-167 mm SL, collected
in 80- 200 m off Transkei and KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, represents a
4th species of the roseoviridis complex.
Key words: Fish
taxonomy, Pinguipedidae, Parapercis,
New species.
*Correspondence: E-mail: jackr@hawaii.rr.com