Vol. 45 No. 3, 2006
A Taxonomic Review of the Taiwanese Skippers Described by Shonen Matsumura (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae)
Yu-Feng Hsu1,*, Hideyuki Chiba2, Ying-Chuan Yang1, Hiroshi Tsukiyama3, Ping-Shih Yang4, and Shou-Ming Wang5
1Department of Life Science, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan 116
2Natural Science Department, B. P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu, Hawaii 96817, USA
34-18, Narashoinodai # 2-303, Funabashi-Shi, Chiba Prefecture, 274-0063 Japan
4Department of Entomology, National Taiwan University, Taipei 106, Taiwan
5Conservation Section, Conservation and Recreation
Division, Forestry Bureau, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan,
Taipei, Taiwan 100
Yu-Feng Hsu, Hideyuki Chiba, Ying-Chuan Yang, Hiroshi Tsukiyama, Ping-Shih Yang, and Shou-Ming Wang (2006) The
type series of 23 skipper taxa described by Matsumura, housed in the
Matsumura collection at the Systematic Entomology Laboratory, Faculty
of Agriculture, Hokkaido Univ. (SEHU), Japan, were examined. As a
result, a number of taxonomic and nomenclatural changes are proposed:
lectotypes are designated for the nominal taxa Notocrypta kawakamii Matsumura, 1907; Satarupa formosana, Matsumura, 1910; Suastus nigroguttatus Matsumura, 1910; Daimio niitakana Matsumura, 1907; Daimio sinica var. taiwana Matsumura, 1919; Ampittia myakei Matsumura, 1910; Halpe horishana Matsumura, 1910; Augiades dara var. angustata Matsumura, 1910; Parnara kuyaniana Matsumura, 1919; Parnara eltola var. taiwana Matsumura, 1919; and Parnara giranna
Matsumura, 1919. A change in status for 5 taxa is proposed, including
the introduction of new synonymy. Two currently recognized valid names
are rendered invalid due to the new synonymy, and are replaced by
available names: the taxa currently known as Ochlodes formosanus (Matsumura) and Polytremis lubricans taiwana (Matsumura) are replaced by Ochlodes niitakanus (Sonan) and Polytremis lubricans kuyaniana
(Matsumura), respectively. As a direct result of these changes, the
combination Polytremis zina taiwana Murayama, formerly considered a
junior secondary homonym, is reinstated.
Key words: Type series, New synonymy, Status change, Name change, Nomenclatural stability.
*Correspondence: Tel: 886-2-29326234 ext. 338. Fax: 886-2-29312904. E-mail: t43018@cc.ntnu.edu.tw