Zoological Studies

Vol. 45 No. 3, 2006

Phylogenetic Evaluation of Three Subspecies from the Mustela nivalis Group

Urmas Saarma1,2,* and Igor L. Tumanov3

1Department of Integrative Zoology, Institute of Zoology and Hydrobiology, University of Tartu, Vanemuise 46, 51014, Tartu, Estonia
2Estonian Biocentre, Riia 23, 51010 Tartu, Estonia
3Research Institute of Nature Conservation of the Arctic and North, Chornoy Rechki 8-40, St. Petersburg 197183, Russia

Urmas Saarma and Igor L. Tumanov (2006) Extensive morphological variation has been a foundation for speculation and controversy about the evolutionary history and systematics of the Mustela nivalis group. Our aim was to assess the phylogenetic relationship of 3 subspecies of the Mustela nivalis group: M. n. dinniki, M. n. boccamela, and M. n. heptneri. A phylogenetic network, based on partial mtDNA cytochrome b sequences, revealed that all analyzed subspecies belong to the same clade with M. n. nivalis. These results support the hypothesis that the M. nivalis group can largely be considered a single species with remarkable phenotypic and geographic variations.

Key words: Mustelids, Cytochrome b, Phylogeny, Speciation, Subspecies.

*Correspondence: Tel: 372-7375099. Fax: 372-7375830. E-mail: Urmas.Saarma@ut.ee