Vol. 46 No. 2, 2007
Two Hybrids of Carangid fishes of the Genus Caranx, C. ignobilis x C. melampygus and C. melampygus x C. sexfasciatus, from the Hawaiian
Murakami1, Shelley A. James2, John E. Randall3,*, and Arnold Y.
Aquarium, 2777 Kalakaua Ave., Honolulu, HI 96815, USA
2Bishop Museum, Pacific Center for Molecular
Biodiversity, 1525 Bernice St., Honolulu, HI 96817-2704, USA
3Bishop Museum, Natural Sciences - Ichthyology, 1525
Bernice St., Honolulu, HI 96817-2704, USA
Murakami, Shelley A. James, John E. Randall, and Arnold Y. Suzumoto
(2007) The popular game fishes, the giant trevally (Caranx ignobilis) and bigeye trevally (C. sexfasciatus) are shown to
hybridize with the bluefin trevally (C.
melampygus) at O'ahu, Hawaiian Is. Evidence for the hybrids is
provided by color photographs, morphology, and DNA analysis. Future
submissions for a record game fish, especially if substantially larger
than the existing record, should include a tissue sample of the
intended record fish.
Key words: Hybrid,
Carangid fishes, Caranx,
Hawaiian Is.
*Correspondence: Tel: 1-800-8484130. E-mail:jackr@hawaii.rr.com