Vol. 46 No. 3, 2007
Cimelioidea: A New Superfamily Name for the Gold Moths (Lepidoptera: Glossata)
Shen-Horn Yen1,* and Joël Minet2
1Department of Biological Sciences, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung 804, Taiwan
National d , Histoire Naturelle, Département Systématique &
Evolution, USM 602, Case Postale n°50 (Entomologie), F-75231 Paris
Cedex 05, France
Shen-Horn Yen and Joël Minet (2007) The
family name Axiidae has been used both for decapod crustaceans and the
Lepidoptera. Having identified the correct authorships and
publication dates of the crustacean Axiidae and lepidopteran Axiidae,
it has become clear that the latter name should be treated as a junior
homonym of the former. The name Anomalidae was occasionally used
for this lepidopteran group but is not nomenclaturally available in the
Lepidoptera (while Anomalini/-nae is a valid name in the Coleoptera)
Cimeliidae Chrétien, 1916 is therefore the only family name that can be
considered as valid for the taxa currently included in the lepidopteran
Axiidae. A new superfamily name, Cimelioidea, is hereby formally
proposed to replace Axioidea. This superfamily is tentatively
assigned to“Geometromorpha”, but its phylogenetic relationships with
the Calliduloidea,“butterflies” (= Hedyloidea + Rhopalocera),
Drepanoidea, and Geometroidea (= Uranioidea) cannot be determined
without a comprehensive phylogenetic backbone. A synonymic
checklist of the Cimeliidae is also provided.
Key words: Homonym, Nomenclatural stability, Biodiversity database, Macrolepidoptera phylogeny, Tympanal organ.
*Correspondence: E-mail:shenhornyen@hotmail.com
