Vol. 46 No. 3, 2007
Some Reproductive Aspects of Gecarcoidea lalandii (Brachyura:
Gecarcinidae) in Taiwan
Liu1 and Ming-Shiou Jeng2,*
of Ecology, Providence University, Shalu, Taichung County, 433
Taiwan. E-mail:hcliu@pu.edu.tw
2Research Center for Biodiversity, Academia Sinica,
Nankang, Taipei 115, Taiwan
Liu and Ming-Shiou Jeng (2007) sThe reproductive biology of the
land crab Gecarcoidea lalandii was documented on the Hengchun
Peninsula, southern Taiwan. Ovigerous females have an average
carapace width of 57 ± 7 (range, 42-78) mm (n = 287). The
breeding season is variable, depending on the beginning of the rainy
season, and in 2003, it lasted from June to Oct., a relatively longer
breeding season than determined for its congener, G. natalis.
Ovigerous females usually release their larvae during 7-10 d in the
last quarter of the lunar cycle. Larval release shows a closer
relationship with the timing of sunrise than with the high tide.
This species exhibits an unusual larval release behavior while clinging
to vertical rock faces in which the ovigerous females drop egg masses
into the water without actually entering the water. This unusual
larval release from above the water and the choice of surge channels as
release sites are thought to be adaptations to life on land which may
reduce the risks of mortality to ovigerous females.
Key words: Gecarcoidea,
Gecarcinidae, Larval release, Reproduction.
*Correspondence: Tel: 886-2-27899514 or 27899577. Fax:
886-2-27858059. E-mail:jengms@gate.sinica.edu.tw