Vol. 46 No. 4, 2007
Two New Marine Gastrotrichs of the Genus Tetranchyroderma (Macrodasyida: Thaumastodermatidae) from South Korea
Ji Min Lee1 and Cheon Young Chang2,*
1Institute of Basic Science, Daegu University, Gyeongsan 712-714, Korea
2Department of Biology, College of Natural Sciences, Daegu University, Gyeongsan 712-714, Korea
Ji Min Lee and Cheon Young Chang (2007) Two new marine thaumastodermatid species, Tetranchyroderma multicirratum sp. nov. and T. monokerosum sp.
nov. are described on the basis of specimens collected from sublittoral
sandy bottoms of the Yellow Sea and Jeju I., Korea. Both species
have cuticular armature with pentancres only. Tetranchyroderma multicirratum
sp. nov. is clearly differentiated from its congeners by the character
combination of head with papillary protrusions, 3 kinds of cephalic
tentacles, and 10 pairs of long subdorsal and dorsolateral
cirrata. Tetranchyroderma monokerosum
sp. nov. is characterized by 1 mid-dorsal rod-like cephalic tentacle, a
pair of pestle organs, and 2 pairs of dorsolateral adhesive tubes.
Key words: Taxonomy, Gastrotricha, Thaumastodermatidae, Tetranchyroderma, Korea.
*Correspondence: Tel: 82-53-8506454. Fax: 82-53-8506459. E-mail:cychang@daegu.ac.kr