Vol. 46 No. 6, 2007
Patterns of the Renieramycin-Producing Sponge, Xestospongia sp., and
Its Association with Other Reef Organisms in the Gulf of Thailand
Darumas1,3,*, Suchana Chavanich1, and Khanit Suwanborirux2
of Marine Science, Faculty of Sciences, Chulalongkorn University,
Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330, Thailand
of Bioactive Natural Products from Marine Organisms and Endophytic
Fungi (BNPME), Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmaceutical
Sciences, Chulalongkorn University, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330, Thailand
3School of Biology, Institute of Science, Walailak
University, Thasala, Nakhorn Si Thammarat 80160, Thailand
Darumas, Suchana Chavanich, and Khanit Suwanborirux (2007) The
renieramycin-producing sponge, Xestospongia sp., is a coral reef
inhabitant occurring in the Gulf of Thailand. The distribution patterns
of Xestospongia sp. and its association with other organisms were
investigated, with results showing that the most frequently coexisting
organisms were the massive coral, Porites lutea, and the colonial
zooanthid, Palythoa caesia, but it also inhabited algal patches and
dead coral rubble. The largest individuals of Xestospongia sp. were
found growing on Pa. caesia while the smallest individuals were found
on algal patches. The results also showed that concentrations of
renieramycin M, the main alkaloid with highly potent cytotoxicity,
extracted from this sponge differed significantly among sites (p <
Key words: Xestospongia
sp., Renieramycin concentration, Coexisting organisms, Gulf of Thailand.
*Correspondence: Tel: 66-7-5672043. Fax: 66-7-5672004.
E-mail:dudomsak@wu.ac.th or dkhundodo@yahoo.com