Vol. 46 No. 6, 2007
Morphology and Ontogeny of Immature Stages of Helotidae Based on Descriptions of Helota thoracica Ritsema and H. gemmata Gorham (Insecta: Coleoptera: Cucujoidea)
Chi-Feng Lee1,*, Sadatomo Hisamatsu2, and Ping-Shih Yang3
1Applied Zoology Division, Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute, 189 Chung-Cheng Road, Taichung 413, Taiwan
Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Ehime University 5-7, Tarumi
3-chhôme, Matsuyama, 790-8566 Japan E-mail:sthisamatsu@yahoo.co.jp
3Department of Entomology, National Taiwan University, Taipei 106, Taiwan. E-mail:psyang@ntu.edu.tw
Chi-Feng Lee, Sadatomo Hisamatsu, and Ping-Shih Yang (2007) Three larval instars and the pupae of Helota thoracica
Ritsema, 1895 are described and figured for the first time. The larval
chaetotaxy of the head, pro- and mesonota, abdominal terga III, legs,
abdominal sterna III, and urogomphi is described. Almost all setae
present in larval instar I are primary. Subprimary setae appear on the
abdominal sternites, head, and legs. Pupae are very conservative since
no differences were observed between H. thoracica and H. gemmata. A novel method for rearing adult and larval helotids is also provided.
Key words: Taxonomy, Larval chaetotaxy.
*Correspondence: Tel: 886-4-23302301 ext. 631. Fax: 886-4-23302804. E-mail:cflee@gate.sinica.edu.tw
