Vol. 47 No. 2, 2008
Nest Choice and Breeding Phenology of an Arboreal-Breeding
Frog, Kurixalus eiffingeri (Rhacophoridae), in a
Bamboo Forest
Lin and Yeong-Choy Kam*
of Life Science, Tunghai University, Taichung 407, Taiwan
Yi-Shian Lin and Yeong-Choy Kam (2008)
WNest choice
and reproductive phenology of Kurixalus
eiffingeri (formerly known as Chirixalus eiffingeri) were
studied in a bamboo tree habitat in the Chitou area, central Taiwan
from Feb. 2004 to Mar. 2005. We visited the study site weekly
where we searched for newly laid egg clutches in stumps during the
daytime and recorded the oviposition site characteristics. We
also counted the number of stumps with standing water and measured the
water depth in every stump. At night, we searched for frogs on
the forest floor and every stump. Results showed that changes in
the water level of the bamboo cups were closely associated with
rainfall patterns, and a step-wise regression revealed that the number
of stumps containing water and the water level of those stumps were the
most important factors influencing the breeding activity of K. eiffingeri. Stumps
differed in height, diameter, cup depth, and water depth. In
addition, the water level of every stump fluctuated over time, and the
pattern and amount of water level fluctuation varied among
stumps. Results showed that K.
eiffingeri is selective about oviposition sites, which is
probably related to the water resource in the bamboo cups that varies
greatly among stumps and is the most critical resource for the survival
of embryos and tadpoles. However, stumps that were used 1, 2, 3,
or 4 times did not significantly differ in characteristics of stumps,
suggesting that other factors may be important in determining the reuse
of stumps.
Key words: Anura,
Chirixalus eiffingeri,
Container habitats, Nest choice, Phytotelmata.
*Correspondence: Tel: 886-4-23550609. Fax:
886-4-23550609. E-mail:biyckam@thu.edu.tw