Vol. 47 No. 4, 2008
Geographic Variation of Chevrier,s Field Mouse (Apodemus chevrieri) (Milne-Edwards, 1868) (Muridae: Murinae) from Southwestern China Based on Cranial Morphometric Variables
Song Li*, Ying-Xiang Wang, Xue-Long Jiang, and Jun-Xing Yang*
Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 32 Jiaochang East Road, Kunming, Yunnan 650223, China
Song Li, Ying-Xiang Wang, Xue-Long Jiang, and Jun-Xing Yang (2008) A sample of 134 specimens of Apodemus chevrieri
was investigated in the present study. Individuals were divided
into male and female groups, and these were respectively subjected to
multivariate analysis. Results indicated that 3 geographic
populations of A. chevrieri
inhabit southwestern China: a Sichuan population in western Sichuan
Province; a northwestern Yunnan population ranging from northwestern
Yunnan Province eastward to southern Sichuan Province; and a central
Yunnan population in central Yunnan Province. In addition, a
coefficient of difference analysis was performed among these 3
geographic populations. The results suggested that these 3
geographical populations of A. chevrieri belonged to 2 subspecies. Furthermore, we discuss the relationships of the subspecific differentiation of A. chevrieri with changes in latitude in southwestern China.
Key words: Geographic variation, Numerical analysis, Apodemus chevrieri, Morphometry.
*Correspondence: Tel: 86-871-5136964. E-mail:lis@mail.kiz.ac.cn; yangjx@mail.kiz.ac.cn