Vol. 47 No. 4, 2008
Den Habitat Characteristics of Tibetan Foxes (Vulpes ferrilata) in Shiqu County, Sichuan Province, China
Zheng-Huan Wang1,2, Xiao-Ming Wang1,2,*, and Aleksei A. Chmura3
1School of Life Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China
Key Laboratory of Urbanization and Ecological Restoration, School of
Life Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China
3Consortium for Conservation Medicine, 17th Floor, 460 West 34th St., New York, NY 10001, USA
Zheng-Huan Wang, Xiao-Ming Wang, and Aleksei A. Chmura (2008) The Tibetan fox (Vulpes ferrilata),
an endemic canid living on the Tibetan Plateau above 3000 m, is listed
by the IUCN as having insufficient data, with only limited information
available on its ecology. It is also an important definitive wild
host of a lethal zoonotic, alveolar echinococcosis (AE), caused by the
tapeworm, Echinococcus multilocularis.
Understanding the habitat ecology of Tibetan foxes will benefit the
conservation of the species and provide greater understanding of the
transmission mechanisms of AE. Shiqu County is a typical plateau
pasture area, located in western Sichuan Province, on the eastern edge
of the Tibetan plateau. It is a high human AE endemic area where
Tibetan foxes are abundant. Thus, we studied the Tibetan fox's
den habitat characteristics during 2001 to 2003 here, documenting 153
dens. We hypothesized that (1) the Tibetan fox should den on
slopes with an open landscape and near rivers, and (2) fox dens should
be located in areas where extreme temperature conditions are moderated,
and den entrance azimuths should avoid the prevailing direction of
strong winds to ensure a moderate microclimate in this cold, dry, and
unpredictable steppe climate. All dens were found to be located
on slopes and significantly more dens were distributed in areas with an
open landscape. Den entrance obliquities and slope gradients were
significantly related (z = -0.303, p
= 0.762). Entrance azimuths and slope aspects were concentrated
in a westerly direction. Distances from dens to a river (814 ±
317 m) did not violate a random distribution (z = -0.487, p
= 0.626). Significantly more pika burrows were found around
abandoned fox dens than around active dens. We concluded that
Tibetan fox dens are distributed on slopes, avoid a direct southern
slope aspect, and are located in open habitats. River distances
and entrance exposure directions were not statistically significant
factors in Tibetan fox den habitat selection.
Key words: Den, Habitat, Sichuan, Tibetan fox, Vulpes ferrilata.
*Correspondence: Tel: 86-21-62233539. E-mail:xmwang@ecnu.edu.cn