Vol. 47 No. 5, 2008
Age and Growth of the Tibetan Catfish Glyptosternum maculatum in the Brahmaputra River, China
Hong-Jing Li1,2 and Cong-Xin Xie1,*
1College of Fisheries, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, Hubei 430070, China
2College of Life Sciences, Xinyang Normal University, Xinyang, Henan 464000, China
Hong-Jing Li and Cong-Xin Xie (2008) Glyptosternum maculatum
was successfully aged using otoliths, opercula, and vertebrae.
The maximum age obtained from vertebrae was 13 yr, while that obtained
from otoliths and opercula was 12 yr. Age determinations using
otoliths, opercula, and vertebrae showed good agreement with no
significant difference among them. The index of the average
percentage error for independent readings of 2 appraised materials was
0.11%, 0.2%, and 0.17%, respectively. Relationships between body
weight (W) and total length (L) are described as follows: W♀ = 5E - 06L3.142 (for females) and W♂ = 5E - 06L3.1474
(for males), both of which describe isometric growth. A power
relationship (females, a = 29.068 and v = 97.173; males, a =
13.402 and v = 107.88) was estimated between the total length and
vertebra radius. von Bertalanffy parameters estimated from
back-calculated sizes at age were L∞ = 342.66 mm, k = 0.1142/yr, and t0 = − 0.7488 yr for females; and L∞= 460.24 mm, k = 0.0882/yr, and t0 = − 0.2312 for males.
Key words: Age, Growth, Glyptosternum maculatum, Brahmaputra River, Tibet.
*Correspondence: Tel: 86-136-07131932. Fax: 86-027-87282114. E-mail:xiecongxin@mail.hzau.edu.cn