Vol. 47 No. 5, 2008
Egg Size Variation in Crested Newts from the Western Balkans
(Caudata: Salamandridae: Triturus
cristatus Superspecies)
Furtula1,*, Ana Ivanović2, Georg Džukić1,
and Miloš L. Kalezić1,2
for Biological Research, Siniša Stanković, Department for Evolutionary
Biology, Bulevar despota Stefana 142, Belgrade 11060, Serbia
2Institute for Zoology, Faculty of Biology, Studentski
trg 16, Belgrade 11000, Serbia
Furtula, Ana Ivanović, Georg Džukić, and Miloš L. Kalezić (2008) We
report herein on egg size characteristics (vitellus volume and
jelly/vitellus ratio) of 4 crested newt species (Triturus cristatus
superspecies). The key results were as follows: (1) maternal and
population effects on these characteristics were detected, however, the
species effect was much more pronounced; (2) in terms of the vitellus
volume, T. karelinii and T. macedonicus had the largest
eggs, T. dobrogicus had the
smallest, and T. cristatus
had eggs of intermediate size; (3) all species significantly differed
in their jelly/vitellus ratio values, with the lowest ratio in T. macedonicus followed by T. karelinii, T. cristatus, and T. dobrogicus with the highest
ratio value; and (4) the species shared a common allometric slope of
the egg volume/body size relationship. The egg size traits
appeared to follow a evolutionary trend similar to that of the
morphological and ecological diversity characteristics.
Key words: Interspecific
diversity patterns, Life history, Allometry.
*Correspondence: Tel: 381-11-2078378. Fax:
381-11-2761433. E-mail:milena.furtula@ibiss.bg.ac.yu