Vol. 48 No. 1, 2009
Revision of the Oriental Genus Pararhinoleucophenga Duda (Diptera:
Cao and Hong-Wei Chen*
of Entomology, South China Agricultural University, Tianhe, Guangzhou
510642, China
Cao and Hong-Wei Chen (2009) The Oriental genus Pararhinoleucophenga is reviewed,
with a supplementary description of the type species: P. maura (de Meijere), a discovery
of a new combination of P.
meichiensis (Chen and Toda) comb. nov., and descriptions of 6
new species from the Oriental region: P.
brunnea, P. alafumosa,
P. furcila, P. setifrons, P. setipes, and P. minutobscura spp. nov.
Based on morphological characters, the species of this genus are
divided into 3 species groups. A key to all species of this genus
is provided.
Key words: Diagnosis, China, New combination,
New species, Taxonomy.
*Correspondence: Tel: 86-20-85282535. Fax:
86-20-85280292. E-mail:hongweic@scau.edu.cn