Vol. 48 No. 4, 2009
Site Fidelity of and Habitat Use by the Formosan Landlocked
Salmon (Oncorhynchus masou formosanus) during Typhoon Season
in Chichiawan Stream, Taiwan as Assessed by Nano-tag Radio Telemetry
Makiguchi1,*, Lin-Yan Liao2, Yoshifumi Konno1,
Hisaya Nii3, Katsuya Nakao3,
Jin-Chywan Gwo4, Hiroshi
Onozato5, Yii-Shing Huang4,
and Hiroshi Ueda1,6
of Biosphere Science, Graduate School of Environmental Science,
Hokkaido University, North 9 West 9, Kita-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido
060-0809, Japan
2Shei-Pa National Park Headquarters, Construction and
Planning Agency, 4 Wuling Rd., Pingdeng Village, Heping Township,
Taichung County 424, Taiwan
3Hokkaido Farming Fisheries Promotion Corporation,
North 3 West 7, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-0003, Japan
4Department of Aquaculture Taiwan National Ocean
University, 2 Pei-Lin Road, Keelung 202, Taiwan
5Matsumoto Institute of Microorganisms, 2904 Niimura,
Matsumoto 390-1241, Japan
6Laboratory of Aquatic Bioresources and Ecosystems,
Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere, Hokkaido University, North
9 West 9, Kita-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-0809, Japan
Makiguchi, Lin-Yan Liao, Yoshifumi Konno, Hisaya Nii, Katsuya Nakao,
Jin-Chywan Gwo, Hiroshi Onozato, Yii-Shing Huang, and Hiroshi Ueda
(2009) Movements of (time-series horizontal position) and
habitat use by adult Formosan landlocked salmon (Oncorhynchus masou formosanus) were
examined in a Taiwanese stream, (Chichiawan
Stream) using nano-tag telemetry in summer (typhoon
season) 2007. A great flood caused by a typhoon occurred during
the tracking period in this study, but the flood did not change the
positions or habitat use by the adult salmon. Ten tagged fish
predominately used microhabitats near boulders and made frequent short
movements of < 200 m between habitats.
Key words: Oncorhynchus
masou formosanus, Nano-tag telemetry, Movement, Typhoon flood.
*Correspondence: Tel: 81-11-7062583. Fax:
81-11-7062598. E-mail:yuya-m@fsc.hokudai.ac.jp