Vol. 49 No. 4, 2010
Landmark-Based Morphometric and Meristic Variations of the
Endangered Carp, Kalibaus Labeo
calbasu, from Stocks of Two Isolated Rivers, the Jamuna and
Halda, and a Hatchery
A. R. Hossain*, Md. Nahiduzzaman, Debasish Saha, Mst. U. Habiba Khanam,
and Md. S. Alam
of Fisheries Biology and Genetics, Bangladesh Agricultural University,
Mymensingh 2202, Bangladesh
A. R. Hossain, Md. Nahiduzzaman, Debasish Saha, Mst. U. Habiba Khanam,
and Md. S. Alam (2010) Landmark-based morphometrics
were examined to evaluate the population status of the endangered carp,
kalibaus Labeo calbasu,
collected from 2 isolated rivers (the Jamuna and Halda) and a
hatchery. Morphometric characters along with truss network
measurements and meristic counts were applied. Significant
differences were observed in four (maximum body height, pre-orbital
length, peduncle length, and maxillary barbel length) of 12
morphometric measurements, two (pectoral fin rays and scales above the
lateral line) of 9 meristic counts, and four (8 to 9, 3 to 10, 2 to 10,
and 1 to 11) of 22 truss network measurements among the stocks.
For morphometric and landmark measurements, the 1st discriminant
function (DF) accounted for 75.5% and the 2nd DF accounted for 24.5% of
the among-group variability, and together they explained 100% of the
total amonggroup variability. For the morphometric and truss
network measurements, plotting DFs revealed high isolation of the
stocks. The dendrogram based on morphometric and truss distance
data placed the Jamuna and hatchery in 1 cluster and the Halda in
another cluster, and the distance between the Halda and hatchery
populations was the highest.
Key words: Landmark, Morphometrics, Meristics,
Fish stock, Labeo calbasu.
*Correspondence: Tel: 880-1711-045364. Fax:
880-91-61510. E-mail:marhossain@yahoo.com