Vol. 50 No. 1, 2011
Use of an Infrared Monitor to Record the Frequency and Timing
of Parental Nest Visitation by the Blue Rock Thrush Monticola solitarius
Nuka1,2,*, Yoshitaka Morikawa3, and Christopher
P. Norman1,4
Biosystems Research Center, Chiba University, 1 Uchiura, Kamogawa,
Chiba 299-5502, Japan
2Chiba City Wild Bird Society, 5-16-14-102
Makuharihongo, Hanamigawa-ku, Chiba 262-0033, Japan.
3Faculty of Bioresources, Mie University, 1577
Kurimamachiya-cho, Tsu, Mie 514-8507, Japan
4Japan Scientific Texts, 1709-5 Imafuku, Kawagoe,
Saitama 350-1151, Japan
Toshimitsu Nuka, Yoshitaka Morikawa,
and Christopher P. Norman (2011) We observed the nest visitation behavior
of the Blue Rock Thrush Monticola
solitarius by setting up
an infrared monitoring system (IMS) at the entrance of a Blue Rock
Thrush nest hole. Furthermore we carried out visual observations and
video image analysis to confirm the IMS data and discuss the efficiency
of the IMS. Two consecutive broods in 1999 (Apr.-July) and 1 brood in
2006 (Apr.-June) were monitored. The IMS recorded a consistent nest
visitation pattern in all 3 broods. During the incubation stage, about
20 ± 8 (mean ± S.D., n = 33)
responses per day were recorded as the female emerged from the nest
hole to feed at regular intervals. During the nestling stage, about 105
± 47 (mean ± S.D., n = 42)
responses per day were recorded as the parents visited the nest hole to
feed the chicks at about 10 min intervals. From the light intensity and
IMS data, the daily activity pattern of the Blue Rock Thrush showed
clear diurnal activity from before sunrise (-0.209 log Lum/m2)
to after sunset (-0.100 log Lum/m2). The efficiency of the
IMS was verified using video and visual observations, and around an 87%
accuracy was confirmed. We concluded that after an initial confirmation
of the efficiency of the IMS, the visitation behavior of Blue Rock
Thrush in the incubation and nestling stages can be estimated using IMS
data. For general monitoring of behavioral patterns, the IMS is
weatherproof, requires minimal maintenance, and can be used for
long-term monitoring. We concluded that the IMS is more efficient than
using a video camera for monitoring hole-nesting animals because the
time required for analysis is greatly reduced.
Key words: Incubation,
Infrared monitoring system, Light intensity, Nest hole, Nestling.
*Correspondence: E-mail:tnuka@hotmail.co.jp
