Vol. 51 No. 1, 2012
Offspring of Older Males are Superior in Drosophila bipectinata
S. Krishna*, Hassan T. Santhosh, and Shridhar N. Hegde
Stock Center, Department of Studies in Zoology, Univ. of Mysore,
Manasagangotri, Mysore 560 006, Karnataka, India
Mysore S. Krishna*, Hassan T. Santhosh, and Shridhar
N. Hegde (2012) Drosophila bipectinata offspring of
old- and youngaged males reared in low (LLD) and high larval densities
(HLD) were employed to test a good gene model of female preference for
male age classes. It was noted that with both LLD and HLD, offspring of
old-aged male had significantly greater pre-adult fitness (egg-larval
hatchability and larval-adult viability) and adult fitness (son’s
mating success, mating latency, mating ability, progeny production, and
longevity, and daughter’s mating success, fecundity, and longevity)
over sons of young-aged males, which suggested that larval density did
not have an effect on the inheritance of characters from parent to
offspring. Among larval densities, LLD offspring performed
significantly better in all traits studied than did HLD offspring.
Thus, D. bipectinata females
prefer oldaged males to obtain greater fitness benefits for their
offspring, thereby confirming the good-gene model.
Key words: Female preference, Male age,
Pre-adult fitness, Adult fitness.
*Correspondence: E-mail:drosokrish@gmail.com