Vol. 51 No. 4, 2012
Migration Behavior and Habitat Use by Juvenile Japanese Eels Anguilla japonica in Continental Waters’ as
Indicated by Mark-Recapture Experiments and Otolith Microchemistry
Lin1, Yoshiyuki Iizuka3, and Wann-Nian Tzeng1,2,4,*
of Fisheries Science, National Taiwan University, 1 Roosevelt Rd., Sec.
4, Taipei 106, Taiwan
2Department of Life Science, National Taiwan
University, 1 Roosevelt Rd., Sec. 4, Taipei 106, Taiwan
3Institute of Earth Science, Academia Sinica, Taipei
115, Taiwan
4Department of Environmental Biology and Fisheries
Science, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung 202, Taiwan
Shih-Huan Lin, Yoshiyuki Iizuka, and Wann-Nian Tzeng
(2012) The
migratory behavior of Japanese eels Anguilla
japonica in continental
waters was examined by a mark-recapture experiment with 3263 wild and
marked culture-originating yellow eels. The experiment was conducted in
Dapong Bay and the Kaoping River estuary in southwestern Taiwan over a
4-yr period in 2003-2006. The migratory environmental history of the
marked and wild eels was reconstructed by examining temporal changes in
otolith strontium (Sr)/calcium (Ca) ratios by an electron probe
micro-analysis (EPMA). Otolith Sr/Ca ratios of recaptured eels
indicated that juvenile yellow eels preferred a brackish environment
similar to the wild population. Otolith Sr/Ca ratios revealed that
estuarine contingents were higher in both the river (75.5%) and bay
(60%) than were freshwater contingents (river, 22%; bay, 25%) and
seawater contingents (river, 2.5%; bay, 15%). The recapture rate of
marked eels sharply decreased with increasing distance from the release
site, and the maximum dispersal distance of eels was < 2 km,
indicating that the eels may exhibit territorial behavior after
recruitment to the river. The recapture rate also sharply decreased
with time, indicating that heavy harvesting of eels occurred in a short
time after release. The specific habitat use and limited home range
suggest that eels could easily be subjected to overfishing, which
should be considered when planning conservation and fisheries
management policies.
Key words: Anguilla japonica, Habitat use,
Migratory behavior, Otolith Sr/Ca ratios, Mark-recapture.
*Correspondence: Tel: 886-2-33662887. Fax: 886-2-23639570.
