Vol. 51 No. 6, 2012
Distribution of the White-headed Duck Oxyura leucocephala is
Affected by Environmental Factors in a Mediterranean Wetland
Atiénzar1,*, Maria Antón-Pardo2, Xavier Armengol2, and Emilio Barba1
Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology (ICBiBE), University
of Valencia, PO Box 22085, Valencia E-46071, Spain
2Department of Microbiology and Ecology/ICBiBE,
University of Valencia, Dr. Moliner 50, Burjassot, Valencia E-46100,
Francisco Atiénzar, Maria Antón-Pardo, Xavier
Armengol, and Emilio Barba (2012) The White-headed Duck Oxyura
leucocephala is a globally endangered diving duck that breeds in a few
wetlands in Spain, Asia, and northern Africa. Little is known
about how environmental variables affect the duck’s distribution, so
information is required to protect wintering and breeding areas.
We attempted to assess which morphometric (open water surface and
shoreline development index; [SDI]) and limnological variables
(chironomid larvae biomass, macrophyte seed density, macrophyte cover,
Secchi disk depth, conductivity, water depth, and chlorophyll a) were
important in predicting suitable habitat conditions for this duck in an
important wetland for the species in southeastern Spain. Our
study included 2 periods with contrasting hydrological conditions:
“wet” (winter 2003 to summer 2004) and “dry” (spring to summer
2005). Limnological variables were measured, and bird censuses
were performed once a month in each water body, while morphometric
variables were estimated from aerial photographs. In the wet
year, the probability of the presence of wintering ducks increased with
a greater open water surface area. In spring, the likelihood of
the species occurring increased with the SDI, biomass of chironomid
larvae, and level of eutrophication, and decreased with an increasing
open water surface area. In summer, a high density of macrophyte
seeds, high water transparency, and greater macrophyte cover were
positively correlated with the presence of ducks. In the dry
year, water depth and chironomid biomass were positively related to the
bird’s presence in spring and summer. White-headed Ducks were
selective regarding the conditions of the water bodies, having
different habitat requirements in different stages of their annual
cycle. In stressful hydrological conditions (severe drought),
ducks sought relatively deeper water bodies independent of their
morphometry. We propose suggestions for the species’ conservation
in terms of local habitat management strategies.
Key words: Diving duck, Endangered species,
Hydrological conditions, Limnological variables, Shoreline development
*Correspondence: Tel: 34-96-3543660. Fax:
34-96-3543670. E-mail:Francisco.Atienzar@uv.es