Vol. 51 No. 7, 2012
New and Little-Known Poecilosclerid Sponges from the Mexican Pacific Ocean
Jose Maria Aguilar-Camacho* and Jose Luis Carballo
de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de
México (Estación Mazatlán), Avenida Joel Montes Camarena s/n, PO Box
811 Mazatlan C.P., 82000, Mexico
Jose Maria Aguilar-Camacho and Jose Luis Carballo (2012) Five
species belonging to the order Poecilosclerida are described based on
material from the Mexican Pacific Ocean. Two of them are little
known from this region: Biemna rhadia de Laubenfels 1930 and Discorhabdella urizae
Maldonado, Carmona, van Soest and Pomponi 2001. Three species are
new to science: Phorbas reginae sp. nov., a black massive sponge with 2
categories of acanthostyles, tornotes, and arcuate isochelae; Ectyonopsis sigmata
sp. nov., a red encrusting sponge with acanthostyles,
acanthostrongyles, ectosomal tornotes, anchorate isochelae, and sigmas;
and Myxillodoryx nicolae gen. nov., sp. nov., a pinkish-red,
cushion-shaped sponge with ectosomal tylotes, choanosomal
acanthostyles, arcuate tridentate isochelae, unguiferate multidentate
isochelae, and sigmas. The new genus Myxillodoryx gen. nov. is
characterized by having 2 types of isochelae: arcuate and unguiferate
multidentate. Based on the former classification of the order
Poecilosclerida, we allocated this genus to the family Coelosphaeridae
even if this species has 1 diagnostic feature of the family Myxillidae
(unguiferate multidentate chelae). We emended the genus Ectyonopsis
Carter 1883a to include species bearing anchorate or unguiferate
isochelae and sigmas as microscleres. We propose to transfer 2
species described in the genus Stelodoryx (S. phyllomorpha Lévi 1993 and S. chlorophylla Lévi 1993) to the genus Monanchora, because they have ectosomal monactinal spicules instead of the typical ectosomal diactinal spicules of the genus Stelodoryx.
Key words: Porifera, Taxonomy, Poecilosclerida, Mexican Pacific, Isochelae.
*Correspondence: E-mail:jmaguilarcam@gmail.com