Vol. 51 No. 7, 2012
AFeeding Behavior of Spurilla sp. (Mollusca: Opisthobranchia) with a Description of the Kleptocnidae Sequestered from Its Sea Anemone Prey
Agustín Garese1,*, Stella García-Matucheski2, Fabián H. Acuña1, and Claudia Muniain2
de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras (IIMyC), CONICET, Facultad de
Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata,
Funes 3350 (7600) Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina
de Ecología Química y Biodiversidad Acuática, Instituto de
Investigación e Ingeniería Ambiental, Universidad Nacional de San
Martín, Campus Miguelete (1650), San Martín, Pcia. Buenos Aires,
Agustín Garese, Stella García-Matucheski, Fabián H. Acuña, and Claudia Muniain (2012) Cnidocysts
are sequestered from cnidarian prey by aeolid nudibranchs and stored in
the tips of their appendages (cerata). The kleptocnidae of 11
specimens of Spurilla sp. are
described in detail. The types and relative abundances of prey
cnidocysts in nudibranch cerata were highly variable, suggesting
exclusive anemone consumption. Spirocysts and several types of
microbasic p-mastigophores, microbasic b-mastigophores, and basitrichs
were found in external and internal tissues of sea anemone prey.
This is the 1st report of predation of aeolid Spurilla sp. on the sea anemones Antholoba achates, Metridium senile lobatum, and Parabunodactis imperfecta from the rocky intertidal of Patagonia (Chubut Province, Argentina) and on Anthothoe chilensis and Tricnidactis errans
at Mar del Plata (Buenos Aires Province, Argentina). Photographs
and digital videos of aeolidacean feeding behavior were recorded in situ and in aquaria. The purpose of this study was to provide valuable information on the diet of Spurilla sp. from Argentina using field observations and descriptions of the kleptocnidae.
Key words: Nudibranchia Aeolidiidae, Cerata, Sea anemone, Argentina.
*Correspondence: E-mail:agarese@mdp.edu.ar; cmuniain@unsam.edu.ar