Vol. 52, 2013
Monitoring European wildcat Felis
silvestris populations
using scat surveys in central Spain: are population trends related to
wild rabbit dynamics or to landscape features?
Lozano*, Emilio Virgós and Sara Cabezas-Díaz
de Biodiversidad y Conservación, Departamento de Biología y Geología,
ESCET, Rey Juan Carlos Universidad, C/ Tulipán s/n, Móstoles E-28933,
Madrid, Spain
Background: Accurate data on the
European wildcat Felis silvestris population trends are scarce for most
of its range, despite this information being essential in assessing the
threat status of the species. Moreover, ecological correlates of these
population trends have never been evaluated. The aim of this study was
to describe population trends of the European wildcat in a central
region of Spain during the period 1997 to 2005 on both regional and
local scales. Putative associations with several landscape features and
wild rabbit population trajectories were also examined. Analyses were
based on temporal variations of abundance indexes calculated for both
species, which were derived from the respective frequencies of
occurrence of scats along linear transects. Moreover, we propose
monitoring wildcat populations across their range using scat surveys.
Results: Results showed that wildcat populations
remained stable between the two survey periods considered, and
variations in wildcat abundances were not associated with either
habitat features or changes in rabbit abundances. Moreover, results
suggested that wildcat predation does not limit the growth capacity of
rabbit populations.
Conclusions: We propose
standardized scat surveys as the most efficient methodology for
monitoring wildcat populations across European regions. Problems with
genetic analyses for correctly identifying carnivore scats are noted,
which indicate that the best complementary method for monitoring
wildcats is probably camera trapping (especially where hybridization is
suspected). Furthermore, results showed that controlling wildcats to
protect the rabbit populations is not justified.
Key words: Habitat; Prey limitation;
Population change; Scat; Sign surveys.
*Correspondence: E-mail: j.lozano.men@gmail.com