Vol. 53, 2014
Thermoregulation in captive broad-snouted caiman (Caiman latirostris)
AB Bassetti1*, Thiago S Marques1, Adriana Malvásio2,
Carlos I Piña3 and Luciano M Verdade1
de Ecologia Isotópica, Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura,
Universidade de São Paulo, Caixa Postal 96, Piracicaba, São Paulo
13416-000, Brazil
2Universidade Federal do Tocantins, ALCNO 14, Av. NS 15, s/n, Bloco III, sala 15A, Palmas, Tocantins 77010-970, Brazil
3Proyecto Yacaré, CICyTTP-CONICET Fac. CyT-UAdER/FCAl-UNER, Dr. Matteri y España, Diamante, Entre Ríos 3105, Argentina
Background: Crocodilians are
ectothermic animals. For this reason, the environmental temperature has
substantial effects on their physiology and behavior. The
thermoregulatory behavior of these animals involves the selective use
of different types of environments. This behavior enables them to reach
the temperature level for their metabolic activities. This study aimed
to determine the influence of sex, body size, and reproductive stage on
the body temperature (Tb)
of adult broad-snouted caiman (Caiman
latirostris) in captivity. Thermal sensors were surgically
implanted in the peritoneal cavity of 16 adult females and 4 adult
males and programmed to register Tb hourly during 6 months.
Results: The diel Tb pattern of the broad-snouted caiman
reflected the variation among the microenvironmental temperatures used
by the species (water surface, pool bottom, and ground). The sex of the
animals had influence on their Tb, but body size did not. Reproductive
females had higher Tb than non-reproductive females during
October to early November. It is possible that this difference is a
result of the ovulation period of the species. Sick animals appeared to
show behavioral fever.
Conclusions: The results of the
present study suggest that several factors can affect the Tb of adult broad-snouted caiman in
captivity. Future studies should focus on the possible effect of
thermoregulatory behavior on individuals' growth rate and reproductive
Key words: Crocodilians; Body temperature;
Ovulation; Social behavior; Behavioral fever; Reproduction.
*Correspondence: E-mail: luisbassetti@terra.com.br