Vol. 53, 2014
Does building activity influence web construction and web
characteristics in the orb-web spider Zygiella
x-notata (Araneae, Araneidae)?
Pasquet1*, Julia Marchal2, Mylène Anotaux1
and Raymond Leborgne1
des Sciences et Technologies, Université de Lorraine, BP 239,
Vandoeuvre les Nancy Cedex 54506, France
2Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Muséum
National d’Histoire Naturelle, UMR 7179, Brunoy, France
Background: Very few studies have
investigated the influence of regular practice of a stereotyped
behaviour on its future expression. In spiders, orb-web construction is
a succession of repetitive and stereotyped behaviours and is a relevant
model for such study. This study examined if preventing spiders from
building influences their future constructions. Spiders were caught in
the field and brought back to the laboratory where they were exposed to
two different situations; half were maintained in small boxes where web
building was not possible, and half were maintained in large enclosures
where they could build orb-webs. All spiders were tested twice: 1 week
after their capture (test 1)
and 12 weeks later (test 2). Their building performance was evaluated
by examining silk investment (length of the capture spiral, number of
radii, of spiral turns, length of the lower part of the web), web
design (mesh height, asymmetry) and the frequency of anomalies in the
Results: There was no difference in web
constructions between the two groups in either test. However, the
rearing conditions seemed to affect two parameters: the length of the
lower part of the web and the asymmetry were higher for spiders reared
in small boxes. We did find also, an overall decrease with time in silk
investment (length of the capture spiral, capture area) in both groups
as well as an increase in the number of anomalies of the capture spiral
from tests 1 to 2.
Conclusions: These results suggest
that regular web construction does not have a strong effect on web
structure or silk investment, but spider age did affect parameters in
the two groups. Thus, the lack of practice over a large portion of a
spider's adult life does not affect a stereotyped behaviour such as the
building of an orb-web.
Key words: Stereotyped behaviours;
Experience; Spiders; Web characteristics.
*Correspondence: E-mail: alain.pasquet@univ-lorraine.fr