Vol. 53, 2014
A new comparative study of zooplankton from oceanic, shelf and harbour waters, south-east coast, Jamaica
Kristoffer A Lue and Mona K Webber*
Department of Life Sciences, University of the West Indies, Mona Campus, 4 Anguilla Close, Kingston 7, Jamaica
Background: Zooplankton
samples were collected fortnightly from four locations representing
oceanic, shelf and harbour waters off Kingston, Jamaica in 2004,
approximately 40 years after a similar study was concluded in 1964. The
present sampling was conducted using vertical hauls with plankton nets
of three different mesh sizes: 64, 200 and 600 μm between April and
November 2004.
Results: Mean zooplankton abundances across the stations ranged from a maximum (5,858.5 individuals m−3) at Harbour Shoal Beacon, mouth of Kingston Harbour, to a minimum (2,124.2 individuals m−3)
at California Bank, an offshore bank. One hundred forty-seven different
taxa of zooplankton were identified during this study. Eighty-one taxa
were identified from Harbour Shoal Beacon (HSB), 106 from South-East
Cay (SEC), 114 from the shelf-edge station, called Windward Edge (WE),
and 94 from California Bank (CB). The pattern obtained from the
clustering of stations using percent similarity coefficient (PSC) and
Jaccard community coefficient (JCC) showed the presence of two distinct
groups of stations: one with HSB and the other containing all other
stations. The abundance of individual species was also examined for
their potential to characterize the different water masses. As found 40
years ago, Lucifer faxoni and Penilia avirostris were indicators of
eutrophic Kingston Harbour waters, while Microsetella norvegica and
Farranula carinata were identified as indicators of offshore waters.
Zooplankton parameters across the area clearly distinguished the
eutrophic Kingston Harbour waters from the shelf and offshore sites but
could not differentiate between the mesotrophic shelf and the offshore
bank. Larval forms were numerically dominant across all stations with
copepod nauplii, fish eggs and echinoderm larvae being major
Conclusions: The
zooplankton communities in the harbour, shelf and offshore areas of
Jamaica's south-east coast still show significant spatial differences;
however, the zooplankton community at the offshore bank was more
similar to the shelf than was expected. Such banks although located
offshore, receive enrichment due to associated circulation patterns.
Therefore, they should not be considered oligotrophic and based on the
zooplankton community distributionwould be more accurately classified as mesotrophic.
Key words: Zooplankton; Kingston Harbour; Shelf; Offshore bank.
*Correspondence: E-mail: mona.webber@uwimona.edu.jm