Vol. 53, 2014
Food habit of the endangered yellow-spotted newt Neurergus microspilotus (Caudata,
Salamandridae) in Kavat Stream, western Iran
Farasat and Mozafar Sharifi*
of Biology, Faculty of Science, Center for Environmental Studies, Razi
University, Baghabrisham, 6714967346 Kermanshah, Iran
Background: Diversity
and abundance of macroinvertebrate fauna were simultaneously determined
in selected benthic samples and in regurgitated stomach contents in Neurergus microspilotus
in Kavat Stream (western Iran) during April and May 2012. The aim of
this study was to determine the degree of reliance of this species to
benthic macroinvertebrates during their reproductive season in aquatic
Results: Twenty-one
taxa of macroinvertebrates were identified in the benthic samples while
19 taxa were presented in the regurgitated stomach contents. Data
obtained from benthic samples showed that the most abundant
macroinvertebrate groups included Lumbricidae (27.2%), Mycetophilidae
(20.06%), Gammaridae (12.19%), and Plananariidae (9.3%). Data obtained
from 45 stomach contents indicated that on average the highest
importance values combining number, frequency, and volume for prey
categories consumed included Mycetophilidae
(14.03%), Baetidae (13.68%), Corbiculidae (12.57%), Gammaridae (10.8%),
and Lumbricidae (9.34%). N.
also consumed small stones, plant materials, and their own eggs
(0.91%). The analysis of selectivity in feeding using Ivlev’s index
showed that the prey taxa that appeared to be preferred (Ei > 0.5) were
generally rare in the environment.
Conclusions: Comparison
between benthic macroinvertebrates and those taken by the newt
demonstrates that although high similarity (Sorenson index of 78.94%)
exists between the two communities, the dominance of the items taken by
N. microspilotus
(Simpson index = 0.32) is higher than that of the benthic community
(Simpson index = 0.20) indicating that the newts rely on fewer number
of species with higher proportion of individual prey items. Feeding
habits of 45 N. microspilotus
have shown that the newts rely extensively on Mycetophilidae, Baetidae,
Corbiculidae, Gammaridae, and Lumbricidae as important food items for N. microspilotus.
Key words: Neurergus microspilotus; Feeding
habits; Stomach content; Benthic macroinvertebrates; Kavat Stream.
*Correspondence: E-mail: sharifimozafar2012@gmail.com