Vol. 53, 2014
Rice fields as facilitators of freshwater invasions in
protected wetlands: the case of Ostracoda (Crustacea) in the Albufera
Natural Park (E Spain)
Valls*, Juan Rueda and Francesc Mesquita-Joanes
of Microbiology and Ecology and Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity
and Evolutionary Biology, University of València, Av. Dr. Moliner, 50,
E-46100 Burjassot, Spain
Background: Previous studies have
identified rice fields in the Mediterranean region as ‘hot spots’ for
the introduction of alien freshwater organisms. Consequently, special
attention should be paid when rice fields are located inside or near
protected areas for the conservation of native, endangered species. To
analyse the relationship between rice field environmental traits and
the ecology of aquatic invaders, a study of zoobenthic communities was
carried out in JulySeptember 2008 and May-August 2009 in ten rice
fields located in the Albufera Natural Park (E Spain), with focus on
Results: A total of nine ostracod species were
found including four considered exotic: Candonocypris novaezelandiae, Stenocypris macedonica, Cypris subglobosa and Hemicypris barbadensis. The presence of H. barbadensis is remarkable, which
is recorded for the first time in Europe and S. macedonica in the Iberian
Peninsula. A checklist of Ostracoda from Albufera Natural Park is
presented, including 11 exotic species, mostly unknown from Holocene
sedimentary records. The analysis of ostracod assemblages showed a
significant relationship between oxygen content and ostracod species
associations, suggesting that their abundance are partially controlled
by habitat variables in the rice fields. The exotic species C. novaezelandiae was more
abundantly collected in samples with reduced oxygen concentrations, in
to other native species whose abundances were lower in such conditions.
Conclusions: Rice fields in
Mediterranean areas present a summer inundation period which is
unlikely in natural temporary water bodies in the area and which may
facilitate invasion by (sub-)tropical species. Lower proportion of
exotic to native ostracods is observed in less disturbed areas compared
to rice fields with intense human activities. We emphasize the role of
anthropogenic effects in the dispersal and colonization processes of
exotic ostracods and their particular strong influence in the protected
areas closest to rice fields.
Key words: Alien species; Paddy fields;
Ostracods; Hemicypris barbadensis; Stenocypris macedonica.
*Correspondence: E-mail: Luis.Valls@uv.es