Vol. 53, 2014
Biological traits and community patterns of Trichoptera at
two Patagonian headwater streams affected by volcanic ash deposition
Brand* and María Laura Miserendino
de Investigaciones en Ecología y Sistemática Animal (LIESA), CIEMEP,
CONICET, UNPSJB, Sede Esquel, Sarmiento 849, Esquel 9200, Chubut,
Background: Sediment deposition
constitutes a major disturbance having negative effects on aquatic
ecosystems. The Chaitén Volcano eruption occurred on May 2008. As a
consequence, broad areas along the Argentine Andes (40° S to 46° S)
were covered with ash. This event provided an excellent opportunity to
investigate how a natural and exceptional sedimentation episode affects
Trichoptera communities.
Results: We assessed changes in caddisfly
community attributes (composition, density and diversity) and 11
biological traits, by comparing pre-eruption (May 2007 to April 2008)
and post-eruption (July 2008 to March 2010) data at two headwater
streams. As a consequence of the event, total suspended solids
increased and Trichoptera richness and density significantly
diminished. By March 2010, two common species of Hydroptilidae (Metrichia patagonica and Metrichia neotropicalis) were no longer
recorded at one site; while species richness and density values were
still low indicating that the community had not recovered. Scrapers,
shredders, and predators were among the most affected functional
feeding groups and changes in their relative abundance were tracked in
subsequent years after the ashfall event.
Conclusions: In this study, species
tolerance to sedimentation was related to certain traits such as poorly
synchronized life history, filter-feeding habits, rounded body shape,
tegument respiration mode, and poorly sclerotized life forms.
Key words: Disturbance; Caddisflies; Volcanic
ash; Traits; Total suspended solids; Patagonia.
*Correspondence: E-mail: cecibrand@hotmail.com