Vol. 54, 2015
Long-term monitoring of Gastropoda (Mollusca) fauna in planted mangroves in central Vietnam
Sofya Zvonareva1*, Yuri Kantor1, Xinzheng Li2 and Temir Britayev1
of Ecology and Morphology of Marine Invertebrates, A.N. Severtsov
Institute of Ecology and Evolution, 33 Leninskij prosp, Moscow 119071,
2Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 7 Nanhai Road, Qingdao, 266071, China
Background: The aim of the research was to study the gastropod assemblage associated with a planted mangrove consisting of Rhizophora apiculata
in Dam Bay (Tre Island, Nha Trang Bay, central Vietnam). Long-term
changes in species composition, density, and biomass of gastropod
assemblages in a planted mangrove were compared to those associated
with natural mangroves.
Results: The
gastropod assemblages in one planted and two natural mangrove
associations were studied. Long-term monitoring (2005 to 2013) of
assemblages associated with planted mangroves was also carried out. In
total, 53 gastropod species in 21 families were recorded. This is
comparable or even higher than in other areas of South-East Asia. In
planted mangroves, R. apiculata
trees were planted in mid (in 2004) and lower (2007) intertidal zones.
Composition of gastropod fauna during the early period of observations
(2005 to 2006) differed significantly in species richness, biomass, and
abundance from the later period (2008 to 2013). Initially, the values
of these parameters were low in the upper, and mid-intertidal zones and
negligible in low intertidal zone. In 2008 to 2013, the values
increased in the upper and mid-intertidal zones. R. apiculata
planting in mid-intertidal zone and changes in its gastropod assemblage
strongly affected those of upper intertidal zone as well. Comparison of
gastropod fauna in planted mangroves and natural associations revealed
significant differences. In planted mangroves, gastropods were mostly
represented by eurybiotic species, also found in other not mangrove
intertidal habitats, while in natural association many species were
predominantly mangrove inhabitants, e.g., Potamididae, Littorinidae,
and Ellobiidae. The fact that mangrove plantations in Dam Bay are
highly dominated by opportunistic species, together with a paucity of
predominantly mangrove-associated gastropods, suggest that the whole
ecosystem is not balanced yet.
Conclusions: The
gastropod assemblage found in a 9-year old mangrove plantation differed
from natural mangrove associations in that the former is dominated by
opportunistic eurybiotic gastropod species. This could mean that the
ecosystem of planted mangroves is unbalanced and is still in a
transitional state.
Key words: Biodiversity; Biomass; Abundance; Faunal dynamics; Opportunistic species.
*Correspondence: E-mail: sonyazv@mail.ru