Vol. 55, 2016
(update: 2016.3.31)
Evaluation of the Copepod Eurytemora affinis Life History Response to Temperature and Salinity Increases
Anissa Souissi1, Sami Souissi1,*,
and Jiang-Shiou Hwang2,3
Lille, CNRS, Univ. Littoral Cote d’Opale, UMR 8187, LOG, Laboratoire
d’Océanologie et de Géosciences, F 62930 Wimereux, France. E-mail:
2Institute of Marine Biology, National
Taiwan Ocean University, 202 Keelung, Taiwan
3Department of Biomedical Science and
Environmental Biology, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung 80708,
Taiwan. E-mail: jshwang@mail.ntou.edu.tw
Anissa Souissi, Sami Souissi, and Jiang-Shiou Hwang
(2016) Zooplankton
and particularly copepods have a key role in the functioning of aquatic
ecosystems. However, the mechanisms involved in the physiological
responses of copepods to temperature and salinity increases are little
understood, and the role of plasticity involved in facing environmental
changes has rarely been demonstrated experimentally. In this study, the
copepod Eurytemora affinis, widely distributed in the
northern hemisphere, was selected as a biological model to test the
effect of a 4°C temperature increase at two salinities. In addition to
the optimal salinity (15 psu), a stressful condition of salinity 25 psu
was also verified. Copepods from the Seine estuary were acclimated in
laboratory to their optimal temperature of 15°C at salinity 15 PSU and
then they were acclimated during several generations to their upper
thermal limit (20°C) at two salinities (15 and 25 PSU), after which the
temperature was raised by 4°C. This experiment revealed that after
long-term acclimation and under unlimited food conditions, E.
maintained good fitness at 20°C and at both optimal and stressful
salinities. After temperature increase to 24°C, the population remained
viable but copepod size was significantly decreased as well as female’s
fecundity. The decrease of fitness was accentuated under the additional
stressful condition of salinity 25 psu. This study demonstrated that
the mechanisms of response to temperature and salinity increases (i.e.
global warming) are complex, and should be investigated through
experimental studies that consider acclimation and multigenerational
factors. Our results will enrich the development of Individual-Based
Models (IBMs) capable to test the role of microevolution and plasticity
of E. affinis in the framework of future climate scenarios.
Key words: Eurytemora affinis;
Temperature; Salinity; Fitness; Multi-generation.
*Correspondence: Tel: +33321992908. Fax: +33321992901. E-mail:
Citation: Souissi A, Souissi S, Hwang JS. 2016. Evaluation of the copepod Eurytemora affinis life history response to temperature and salinity increases. Zool Stud 55:4. doi:10.6620/ZS.2016.55-04.